FDA Bans Use of Powdered Gloves Effective Jan. 18, 2017

by Tony Martinez

Posted on Thu Feb 16, 2017

In December, 2016 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a final rule banning powdered medical gloves. The ban applies to powdered patient examination gloves, powdered surgeon’s gloves, and absorbable powder for lubricating a surgeon’s glove. The ban does NOT apply to powder used in the manufacturing process for non-powdered gloves, as long as each finished glove has less than 2mg of residual powder per glove.

According to the FDA the risks associated with powdered gloves include “severe airway inflammation, hypersensitivity reactions, allergic reactions (including asthma)” among others. The ban is effective January 18, 2017. The FDA proposed the ban in March of 2016, citing that the gloves posed an “unreasonable and substantial” risk to patients, and healthcare providers.

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