- Flexible Asset Categorization - allows you to represent the assets so they make sense to your organization.
- Fully Customizable Standards and Practices - offers the flexibility to apply your organizations specific Standards and best-practices in regards to inspection and certification tracking.
- Separate Inspection and Certification Life-cycles - grants you full control of the way assets are inspected and certified when necessary.
- Clear Compliance Accountability - including individual or group asset assignment and even delegation to third parties.
- Ad-hoc and Automatic Scheduling - pre-plan your asset compliance workload and handle ah-doc events seamlessly.
- Individual and Bulk Inspections - means you can schedule and perform the inspection of a single asset or a group of assets in a specific location
- Real-time Asset Dashboard - show you your current asset compliance and your upcoming workload at a glance.
- Asset Management System Integration - is an optional feature that offers full integration with existing Asset Management Systems.
Asset Compliance